
Privacy Improvement for Fingerprint Recognition Based On RSA

Vidya.P, Aswathy.R.S

Here proposed an adaptive encryption based privacy improvement for fingerprint recognition. During enrollment, two fingerprints are captured from two different fingers and then extract the minutiae positions from one fingerprint, the orientation from the other fingerprint, and the reference points from both fingerprints. Based on this extracted information a combined minutiae template is generated and stored in a database after performing RSA encryption. In the authentication, the system requires two query fingerprints from the same two fingers which are used in the enrollment. Here uses FV2002 DB_1 database. A two-stage fingerprint matching process with decision tree classifier is proposed for matching the two query fingerprints against a combined minutiae template. Because of this, it is difficult for the attacker to hack the database and retrieve the fingerprints. By using decision tree classifier the accuracy can be improved with low error rate is expected.


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