

Sruthi G S

Man has always built with natural materials, building with mud/earth; the most natural of all building materials poses a special challenge. Architecture today is discriminated by cold hard, machine made building materials. While all previous attempts to replace these with a more plastic, environmental friendly material have resulted in a region of the structural of technical dimension of the architecture, building with mud offers unique possibility of a synthesis. As an exploration into the possibilities of mud as building material is especially relevant in country like India. The advantages and possibilities of mud construction are endless. Conceptually the material can be used to combine traditional elements in contemporary contest. A greater understanding of the possibilities of the material and the great strides it has made with respect to application and use will enable a constructive redefining of its suitability for different types of construction. Construction with mud is the answer to many of our waxing housing problems and presents an exciting and down to earth alternative to the perpetuation of the concrete jungle.


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ஆராய்ச்சி பைபிள்
காஸ்மோஸ் IF
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சர்வதேச புதுமையான இதழ் தாக்க காரணி (IIJIF)
சர்வதேச அமைப்பு ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனம் (I2OR)

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