Oloto, I.N.
Detailed lithostratigraphic and petrographic analyses were carried out on thirteen samples obtained from Ndagbo and its environs in Afikpo Basin. The area is located within latitude 5045′ and 5047′30′′ð�? and longitude 7045′ and 7047′30′′ð¸ in the Afikpo basin, Southern Benue Trough. The lithologic unit of the succession is basically sandstone with shale intercalations. The Petrographic analysis of rock samples from Ndagbo and its environs in Afikpo Area form part of the Abakaliki anticlinorium, Southern Benue Trough and yielded several results. The field area is in the region of Benue Trough graben with sediments infilling which had suffered deformations (NE-SW trending axis) and extensive magmatic activities, as evidenced by the widespread occurrence of intrusives and extrusives rocks. The Cenomanian episode affected only the Albian sediments while all the pre-Santonian sediments are unaffected. The Petrographic analysis carried out reveals that the study area are mostly meta-sediments .