
Evaluation of Variety by Fungicide for the Management of Wheat Septoria Blotch Disease

Zerhun Tomas, Alamar Seid, Ashebir Tamirat 

The production and productivity of wheat in the country and in the region is below the biological potential of the crop. The low production is due to diverse biotic and abiotic constraints. Of them, diseases are the most important agents that limit the productivity. Currently, septoria blotch is one of the major wheat diseases. Therefore, in line with resistant breeding evaluation of effective fungicides is important to manage it and reduce the crop yield. So, this research was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of variety by fungicides for the management of wheat septoria blotch. The response of wheat varieties to septoria blotch disease under natural infestation was recorded in terms of severity and analyzed using SAS version 9.1. The result showed that, application of the three fungicides significantly reduces septoria blotch severity. The lowest yield of 3582 kg/ha, 4429 kg/ha and 3405 kg/ha in 2016 and 3391 kg/ha, 3445 kg/ha and 3542 kg/ha in 2017 on unsprayed treatments of Tay, Danda’a and Gambo, respectively. At both locations the highest severity of septoria was recorded on unsprayed treatment on Gambo which is already reported as susceptible for it. On the grain yield among fungicide sprayed and none sprayed there is statistically significant difference regardless of fungicide variation. Therefore, the alternative use of fungicides of Tilt, RexDue and Bylathon can minimize wheat yield loss due to septoria blotch.

ஜர்னல் ஹைலைட்ஸ்

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இரசாயன சுருக்க சேவை (CAS)
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